Title: Enhancing the Microparticle Deposition Stability and Homogeneity on Planer for Synthesis of Self-Assembly Monolayer
Authors: Shih, An-Ci
Han, Chi-Jui
Kuo, Tsung-Cheng
Cheng, Yun-Chien
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: microparticle deposition;self-assembly;homogeneity;monomer synthesis;mask
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2018
Abstract: The deposition stability and homogeneity of microparticles improved with mask, lengthened nozzle and flow rate adjustment. The microparticles can be used to encapsulate monomers, before the monomers in the microparticles can be deposited onto a substrate for nanoscale self-assembly. For the uniformity of the synthesized nanofilm, the homogeneity of the deposited microparticles becomes an important issue. Based on the ANSYS simulation results, the effects of secondary flow were minimized with a lengthened nozzle. The ANSYS simulation was also used to investigate the ring-vortex generation and why the ring vortex can be eliminated by adding a mask with an aperture between the nozzle and deposition substrate. The experimental results also showed that particle deposition with a lengthened nozzle was more stable, while adding the mask stabilized deposition and diminished the ring-vortex contamination. The effects of flow rate and pressure were also investigated. Hence, the deposition stability and homogeneity of microparticles was improved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano8030164
ISSN: 2079-4991
DOI: 10.3390/nano8030164
Volume: 8
Appears in Collections:Articles