標題: Quality management approaches in libraries and information services
作者: Hsieh, PN
Chang, PL
Lu, KH
Institute of Business and Management
公開日期: 1-九月-2000
摘要: The increasing expectations of users for better services have motivated libraries to view quality management as an effective means of incorporating quality improvement into their related services. Effectively implementing quality management in libraries requires an understanding of applying appropriate quality management concepts and techniques. This article reviews the quality management tools and techniques developed over the last five decades and, then, categorises them into three broad approaches. In addition, a framework of quality management approaches and techniques is developed and applied to assess and improve the service quality of libraries and information services.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/14518
ISSN: 0024-2667
Volume: 50
Issue: 3
起始頁: 191
結束頁: 201


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