Title: Threshold Vacuum Switch (TVS) on 3D-Stackable and 4F(2) Cross-Point Bipolar and Unipolar Resistive Random Access Memory
Authors: Ho, ChiaHua
Huang, Hsin-Hau
Lee, Ming-Taou
Hsu, Cho-Lun
Lai, Tung-Yen
Chiu, Wen-Cheng
Lee, Meiyi
Chou, Tong-Huan
Yang, Ivy
Chen, Min-Cheng
Wu, Cheng-San
Chiang, Kuang-Hao
Yao, Yong-Der
Hu, Chenming
Yang, Fu-Liang
National Chiao Tung University
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2012
Abstract: A 3D stackable and bidirectional Threshold Vacuum Switching (TVS) selector using the same WO x material as the RRAM element is reported. It provides the highest reported current density of >10(8) A/cm(2) and the highest selectivity of >10(5). Stress test at high current density indicates >10(8) cycle capability for Reset/Set operation. A mechanism based on recombination of oxygen-ions and vacancies is proposed for the observed volatile switching of TVS. Utilizing the threshold characteristics of the TVS selector, a two-step reading waveform offers potential for 3D-stackable and 4F(2) cross-point RRAM applications.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/146342
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper