Title: Adaptive Urban Traffic Signal Control System with Bus Priority
Authors: Jeng, Andy An-Kai
Jan, Rong-Hong
Chen, Chien
Chang, Tzu-Lin
Department of Computer Science
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2013
Abstract: In recent years, with the economic development and urbanization, traffic congestion has become a serious problem in urban environments. Traffic signal control plays a key role in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). Particularly, bus system can carry a higher capacity of passengers, which help to relief traffic jam in cities. However, different from ordinary vehicles, bus system has several unique features, including higher capacity of passengers, fixed routes and specific requirements on arrival time and headway. In this paper, we propose an adaptive traffic signal control approach with bus Priority that determines the phase sequence and time in non-fixed order based on synergic information to improve the performance of bus system with a very small cost to ordinary vehicles. Simulation results show that our approach can significantly reduce the waiting time of buses, keep bus schedules on time, and regular bus headway.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/146362
ISSN: 1550-2252
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper