Title: 臺灣客家研究的典範移轉
The Paradigm Shift in Taiwan's Hakka Studies
Authors: 蕭新煌
Hsin-huang Michael Hsiao
Keywords: 臺灣客家研究;客家學;典範移轉;族群團體;族群互動;Taiwan's Hakka Studies;Hakkaology;Paradigm Shift;Ethnic Groups;Ethnic Interaction
Issue Date: May-2018
Publisher: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
Abstract: 1988年的客家族群運動使客家研究成熟和壯大,並引起後續客家政策、行政、法律的提升,以及傳播、學術機構化的落實。因此,臺灣客家研究的形成和成長,可視為客家運動的直接效應之一,或「後客家運動的現象」。過去15年來,臺灣的客家研究的發展除了逐漸制度化和成熟化外,另一個更具深層意義的發展趨勢,即為典範移轉。 本文精選並評析九篇有關臺灣客家研究(學)的相關期刊論文及研究報告做為臺灣客家研究典範移轉各階段的代表。這九篇文章的視野,有助於我們了解臺灣的客家研究範疇改變的脈絡,也可以窺見臺灣客家研究所經歷的四個已浮現的典範移轉,亦即,從「客家在臺灣」到在地化的「臺灣的客家」,從地方主義視角到具社會科學本質的族群研究的族群互動視角,從墾殖史到本土族群政治與政策,以及從與原鄉的比較研究典範轉移到和全球比較的新典範。
By drawing on the discourse of nine carefully selected journal articles, this paper substantiates the author's observation that, as an emerging research field, Hakka studies in Taiwan have experienced a significant paradigm shift in the post–Hakka movement era, especially after 2000. Four paradigm shifts were identified in the aforementioned articles. The first shift is from the perspective of emigrant Hakka individuals in Taiwan to the indigenized Taiwanese Hakka; the second shift is from a narrowly defined “geographical localism” to a socially scientific understanding of an “ethnic group” and “ethnic interaction”; the third shift is from settlement history studies to ethnic politics and related policy research; and the fourth shift is from comparisons with the origins of the Hakka people's ancestry to comparison with the Hakka people of the world.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=47&CA_ID=499
ISSN: 2308-2437
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 10
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 26
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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