標題: A pilot-scale study of the design and operation parameters of a pulse-jet baghouse
作者: Lu, HC
Tsai, CJ
Institute of Environmental Engineering
公開日期: 1-十二月-1998
摘要: Filtration curves and pulse-jet cleaning performance of different design and operating conditions of a pilot-scale pulse-jet baghouse are investigated. The effective residual pressure loss is used as an index of bag cleaning effect, while the average pulse overpressure inside the bag is used as an index of bag cleaning intensity. It is found that filtration curves vary with the initial tank pressure and the nozzle diameter of the bag cleaning system. The filtration time increases with increasing initial tank pressure or nozzle diameter. However, a critical value of the tank pressure exists for an effective bag cleaning. It is also found that a critical effective residual pressure loss value exists for the pulse-jet cleaning system. Too large an initial tank pressure and nozzle diameter result in a waste of cleaning energy. The addition of a venturi increases the average pulse overpressure appreciably, hence increasing the cleaning effect. A venturi is suggested to be installed to increase the bag cleaning effect and maximize cleaning energy in this study. (C) 1998 American Association for Aerosol Research.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02786829808965587
ISSN: 0278-6826
DOI: 10.1080/02786829808965587
Volume: 29
起始頁: 510
結束頁: 524