Title: A 135-mW Fully Integrated Data Processor for Next-Generation Sequencing
Authors: Wu, Yi-Chung
Chang, Chia-Hua
Hung, Jui-Hung
Yang, Chia-Hsiang
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Bioengineering
Department of Computer Science
Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
Keywords: Next-generation sequencing (NGS);DNA mapping;sBWT algorithm;FM-index;suffix array sorting;CMOS digital integrated circuits
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2017
Abstract: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) enables high-throughput sequencing, in which short DNA fragments can be sequenced in a massively parallel fashion. However, the essential algorithm behind the succeeding NGS data analysis, DNA mapping, is still excessively time consuming. DNA mapping can be partitioned into two parts: suffix array (SA) sorting and backward searching. Dedicated hardware designs for the less-complex backward searching have been proposed, but feasible hardware for the most complicated part, SA sorting, has never been explored. Based on the memory-efficient sBWT algorithm, this work is the first integrated NGS data processor for the entire DNA mapping. The k-ordered Ferragina and Manzini index used in the sBWT algorithm is leveraged to improve storage capacity and reduce hardware complexity. The proposed NGS data processor realizes the sBWT algorithm through bucket sorting, suffix grouping, and suffix sorting circuits. Key design parameters are analyzed to achieve the optimal performance with respect to hardware cost and execution time. Fabricated in 40-nm CMOS, the NGS data processor dissipates 135 mW at 200 MHz from a 0.9-V supply. With 1-GB external memory, the chip can analyze human DNA within 10 min. This work achieves 43 065x and 8 971x [3208x and 402x] higher energy efficiency (throughput-to-area ratio) than the high-end CPU and GPU solutions, respectively.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TBCAS.2017.2760109
ISSN: 1932-4545
DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2017.2760109
Volume: 11
Begin Page: 1216
End Page: 1225
Appears in Collections:Articles