标题: Mitigation of performance degradation due to dynamic display contents in visible light communication using TV backlight and CMOS image sensor
作者: Chow, Chi-Wai
Shiu, Ruei-Jie
Liu, Yen-Chun
Wang, Wei-Chung
Liao, Xin-Lan
Lin, Kun-Hsien
Wang, Yi-Chang
Chen, Yi-Yuan
Department of Photonics
Institute of EO Enginerring
公开日期: 20-八月-2018
摘要: Here, we propose and demonstrate a performance degradation mitigation scheme in TV backlight and smart-phone-based visible light communication (VLC) system when the display content in the light-panel is dynamically changing. In order to evaluate the influence of the dynamic display contents to the VLC performance, we use a noise-ratio (NR) and noise-ratio standard deviation (NRSD) as the figure-of-merits for the bright-and-dark contrast of the display content; and the dispersal of the changing display content regarding the brightand-dark contrast respectively. Performances of 4 dynamic display contents with different combinations of NR and NRSD are analyzed. They are: low NR and low NRSD (NR 36.69%; NRSD = 0.0226); low NR and high NRSD (MR = 30.09%; NRSD = 0.2698); high NR and low NRSD (NR = 81.66%; NRSD = 0.0052); high NR and high NRSD (NR = 73.91%; and NRSD = 0.2717). The proposed scheme can work well; that is, even the transmission distance is up to 200 cm in both smart-phones. If the proposed scheme is not used, then high success rate can be observed only at the low NR and low NRSD display content when the transmission distance is < 100 cm. (C) 2018 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.26.022342
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.26.022342
Volume: 26
起始页: 22342
结束页: 22347