標題: Long electron dephasing length and disorder-induced spin-orbit coupling in indium tin oxide nanowires
作者: Hsu, Yao-Wen
Chiu, Shao-Pin
Lien, An-Shao
Lin, Juhn-Jong
Department of Electrophysics
Institute of Physics
公開日期: 15-十一月-2010
摘要: We have measured the quantum-interference magnetoresistances in two single indium tin oxide (ITO) nanowires between 0.25 and 40 K, by using the four-probe configuration method. The magnetoresistances are compared with the one-dimensional weak-(anti)localization theory to extract the electron dephasing length L-phi. We found, in a 60-nm-diameter nanowire with a low resistivity of rho(10 K) =185 mu Omega cm, that L-phi is long, increasing from 150 nm at 40 K to 520 nm at 0.25 K. Therefore, the nanowire reveals strict one-dimensional weak-localization effect up to several tens of degrees of kelvin. In a second 72-nm-diameter nanowire with a high resistivity of rho(10 K)=1030 mu Omega cm, the dephasing length is suppressed to L-phi(0.26 K)=200 nm, and thus a crossover of the effective device dimensionality from one to three occurs at about 12 K. In particular, disorder-induced spin-orbit coupling is evident in the latter sample, manifesting weak-antilocalization effect at temperatures below similar to 4 K. These observations demonstrate that versatile quantum-interference effects can be realized in ITO nanowires by controlling differing levels of atomic defects and impurities.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.82.195429
ISSN: 1098-0121
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.195429
Volume: 82
Issue: 19
起始頁: 0
結束頁: 0


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