作者: Shiuhpyng Shieh
Chi-Wei Wang
Chia-Wei Wang
Chia-Wei Hsu
公開日期: 23-Mar-2017
摘要: An automatic probe construction system and the method thereof are provided. The automatic probe construction system includes a data dereference analysis module, a probe selection module, and a probe verification module. The data dereference analysis module dereferences a plurality of target data of an electronic apparatus according to a plurality of pointers, and constructs a plurality of candidate probes. The probe selection module constructs a control flow graph according to the candidate probes and an instruction code of an executable image file, to select via the control flow graph from the candidate probes at least one dedicated probe. The probe verification module searches the executable image file for an instruction code corresponding to the dedicated probe, to verify the dedicated probe. Therefore, the dedicated probe can be constructed automatically, and the number of the dedicated probes is thus limited.
官方說明文件#: G06F009/44
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/151262
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20170083291
Appears in Collections:Patents

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