作者: Mang OU-YANG
Ting-Wei HUANG
Zheng-Lin HE
公開日期: 23-十一月-2017
摘要: An optical detecting device includes a reflecting element, a main body, a light source and a plurality of photosensitive elements. The reflecting element has a reflecting surface. The main body has an installing, surface. The installing surface at least partially faces to the reflecting surface. The main body is configured to move along, a moving direction relative to the reflecting element. The moving direction is substantially parallel with the reflecting surface. The light source is disposed on the installing surface and is configured to emit a light ray towards the reflecting surface. The photosensitive elements are disposed on the installing surface. Sides of the photosensitive elements close to the light source surround the light source to form a light source region. The light source is at least partially located in the light source region.
官方說明文件#: G01J001/42
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/151315
專利國: USA
專利號碼: 20170336252


  1. 20170336252.pdf

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