Title: Technology Strategic Planning for an R&D Institute: The Case of Taiwan Textile Research Institute
Authors: Jou, G. T.
Yuan, Benjamin J. C.
Institute of Management of Technology
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: Taiwan Textile Research Institute (TTRI), a government-sponsored R&D institute in Taiwan, has conducted a technology strategic planning in September, 2009 to find its future R&D directions from 2011 to 2015. The Cross-SWOT methodology, which is analogous to TOWS[1], developed by IBM was adopted to arrange a series of educational seminars and brainstorming workshops for TTRI managing team. The information of global opportunities and threats (O/T) was collected from five aspects, i.e. social, technological, economic, ecological, and political (STEEP), whereas, the strengths and weaknesses (S/W) were identified by comparing TTRI with its five benchmarking organizations based on organizational capabilities. 24 people from TTRI managing team were divided into 2 groups. Each group consisted of 6 members from functional department heads and 6 members from cross-departmental project leaders and administrative staff. Through rational discussions and debates by providing proven data or reasons, 5 strategies and strategic areas (SA) were pinpointed: 2 attack strategies by maximizing TTRI strengths and external opportunities(S/O); 1 market creation strategies by utilizing TTRI strengths to avoid the threats(S/T); 2 transformation strategy by improving TTRI weaknesses to grab external opportunities(W/O). 5 strategic areas (SA) were further linked with 9 T-Plan themes to develop technology roadmap from 2011 to 2015.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/15190
ISBN: 978-1-890843-23-6
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper