標題: Modeling creativity performance and the psychological contract in technology industry
作者: Yuan-Hui Tsai
關鍵字: 創新科技產業;沈浸經驗;心理契約;創造力績效;Innovation, technology industry;flow experience;the psychological contract,, creativity performance
公開日期: 31-十二月-2018
出版社: 交通大學
National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究預測心理契約為沈浸經驗與創造力績效之主要驅動力,在本研究所提出的架構中,創造力績效受到訓練型契約、交易型契約與關係型契約的直接影響,同時透過沈浸經驗的中介而受到此三種契約的間接影響。本研究透過調查科技產業品管部門的專業人員來進行實證,同時確認沈浸理論對於認識創造力績效的可應用性,最後,本研究提供管理意涵與研究限制。
This study predicts the psychological contract as a major driver of flow experience and creativity performance. In the proposed model of this study, creativity performance relates to training contract, transactional contract, and relational contract directly and also indirectly via the mediation of flow experience. Empirical testing of this study, by surveying working professionals across quality control departments of high-tech firms, confirms the applicability of flow theory in understanding creativity performance. Last, this study provides managerial implications and limitations.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/152535
ISSN: 1028-7310
DOI: 10.3966/102873102018123802004
期刊: 交大管理學報
Chiao Da Mangement Review
Volume: 38
Issue: 2
起始頁: 95
結束頁: 122


  1. 1028-7310-380204.pdf

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