標題: Phase Changes in Random Point Quadtrees
作者: Chern, Hua-Huai
Fuchs, Michael
Hwang, Hsien-Kuei
Department of Applied Mathematics
關鍵字: Asymptotic transfer;analysis in distribution of algorithms;central limit theorems;depth;differential equations;grid trees;local limit theorems;Mellin transforms;page usage;phase transitions;quadtrees;total path length
公開日期: 1-五月-2007
摘要: We show that a wide class of linear cost measures (such as the number of leaves) in random d-dimensional point quadtrees undergo a change in limit laws: If the dimension d = 1, ..., 8, then the limit law is normal; if d >= 9 then there is no convergence to a fixed limit law. Stronger approximation results such as convergence rates and local limit theorems are also derived for the number of leaves, additional phase changes being unveiled. Our approach is new and very general, and also applicable to other classes of search trees. A brief discussion of Devroye's grid trees (covering m-ary search trees and quadtrees as special cases) is given. We also propose an efficient numerical procedure for computing the constants involved to high precision.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1240233.1240235
ISSN: 1549-6325
DOI: 10.1145/1240233.1240235
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
起始頁: 0
結束頁: 0