標題: A generalized solution for groundwater head fluctuation in a tidal leaky aquifer system
作者: Chuang, Mo-Hsiung
Yeh, Hund-Der
Institute of Environmental Engineering
關鍵字: Aquitard;coastal aquifer;leaky aquifer;analytical solution
公開日期: 1-十二月-2011
摘要: A new analytical solution is developed for describing groundwater level fluctuations in a coupled leaky confined aquifer system which consists of an unconfined aquifer, confined aquifer, and an aquitard in between. The aquifer system has a tidal boundary at the seashore, a no flow boundary at remote inland side, and a confined aquifer extending under the sea and terminated with an outlet-capping. This new solution has shown to be a generalisation of most existing analytical solutions for a tidal aquifer system which includes single confined and leaky confined aquifers. In addition, the solution is used to explore the influences of the dimensionless leakance of the outlet-capping, the dimensionless hydraulic diffusivities, and the leakages of the inland and offshore aquitards on the head responses in the leaky confined aquifer.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/15372
ISSN: 0253-4126
Volume: 120
Issue: 6
起始頁: 1055
結束頁: 1066


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