標題: Efficient methods of computing interior transmission eigenvalues for the elastic waves
作者: Chang, Wei-Chen
Lin, Wen-Wei
Wang, Jenn-Nan
Department of Applied Mathematics
關鍵字: Interior transmission eigenvalues;Elastic waves;Generalized eigenvalue problems;Quadratic eigenvalue problems;Quadratic Jacobi-Davidson method
公開日期: 15-Apr-2020
摘要: We study the interior transmission eigenvalue problem for the elastic wave scattering in this paper. We aim to show the distribution of positive eigenvalues by efficient numerical algorithms. Here the elastic waves are scattered by the perturbations of medium parameters, which include the elasticity tensor C and the density rho. Let us denote (C-0, rho(0)) and (C-1, rho(1)) the background and the perturbed medium parameters, respectively. We consider two cases of perturbations, C-0 = C-1, rho 1 not equal rho(0) (case 1) and C-0 not equal C-1, rho(1) = rho(0) (case 2). After discretizing the associated PDEs by FEM, we are facing the computation of generalized eigenvalues problems (GEP) with matrices of large size. These GEPs contain huge number of nonphysical zeros (for case 1) or nonphysical infinities (for case 2). In order to locate several hundred positive eigenvalues effectively, we then convert GEPs to suitable quadratic eigenvalues problems (QEP). We then implement a quadratic JacobiDavidson method combining with partial locking or partial deflation techniques to compute 500 positive eigenvalues. (C) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109227
ISSN: 0021-9991
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109227
Volume: 407
起始頁: 0
結束頁: 0
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