標題: 從媒介城市到地理媒介:澳大利亞前沿學者關於信息社會的跨學科洞見
From Media City to Geomedia: Cross-disciplinary Insights into Information Society from a Pioneering Australian Scholar
作者: 潘霽
Scott McQuire
Pan Ji
公開日期: Jan-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學傳播與科技學系
Department of Communication & Technology at National Chiao Tung University
Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
摘要: This dialogue between Professor McQuire and Pan Ji focuses on changes of media technologies for urban communication in the Internet society. Specifically, the conversation explicates the dynamic relation between media technologies and urban space, the conceptualization of geomedia, the implication of embodied technologies, the emergence of novel forms of networked public space in the Web 2.0 era; the opportunities media technologies bring to localism; and critique of the smart city concept. It aims to provide an alternative perspective to understand the role technologies play for urban communication.
URI: http://ccis.nctu.edu.tw/issue.asp?P_No=47
ISSN: 1680-8428
DOI: 10.29843/JCCIS.201901_(36).0002
期刊: 資訊社會研究
The Journal of Information Society
Issue: 36
起始頁: 5
結束頁: 26
Appears in Collections:Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society

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