標題: 不同學年大學新生健康體適能分析之研究-以交通大學為例
The Study of Fitness Differences Analysis Based on Freshmen from Different Academic Years of National Chiao Tung University
作者: 鄭智仁
Chih-Jen Cheng
Chih-Chuan Wang
Wei-Chang Liao
關鍵字: 交通大學;健康體適能;體育課程;National Chiao Tung University;health related physical fitness;physical education program
公開日期: 1-Jun-2011
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 目的:本研究旨在分析97-99學年交通大學新生體適能狀況與三學年間之差異比較,並將所得結果與教育部全國體適能常模進行探討,以供體育課程設計與教學之參考。方法:蒐集交通大學97-99學年針對新生所進行體適能檢測之資料,以描述性統計與比較平均數法進行分析,進而了解不同學年度體適能狀況與差異情形。結果:1.男、女生各項體適能平均分佈於教育部全國體適能常模45%-60%之中,為中間等級。2.不同學年之體適能情形皆有所不同,其中男生98學年的肌耐力顯著優於99學年,而心肺適能部份也優於97、99學年;女生則是98學年的肌耐力也顯著優於97、99學年。3.男生在柔軟度與瞬發力比常模差,而女生則是心肺適能部分;在肌耐力部分則男女生均優於常模表現。結論:研究結果顯示該校大學新生整體體適能狀況位於全國體適能常模中間等級,期往後能針對男生柔軟度、瞬發力與女生心肺適能進行補強,並於學期末進行體適能後測與建構網路體適能護照系統,以達監測之效果,提供師生及時便利的網路服務。
Purpose: This study mainly analyzed the differences of freshmen's fitness situation in three years, from 97-99 academic year of National Chiao Tung University, and compared the results with the fitness norm from Ministry of Education and discussed. This study would be a reference of future designing and teaching of physical education. Method: We collected the data of freshmen's fitness situation from 97-99 cademic year of National Chiao Tung University and used descriptive statistics and compare means to analyze. Results: 1. Male's and female's fitness average is in the range of 40%-60% of the norm announced by Ministry of Education, which is medium level. 2. The fitness varied between different academic years. Males' muscular endurance in 98(superscript th) academic year was tremendously superior to 99(superscript th) academic year. And their cardiovascular respiratory endurance was also superior to 97(superscript th) and 99(superscript th) academic year. Females' muscular endurance in 98(superscript th) academic year was also tremendously superior to 97(superscript th) and 99(superscript th) academic year. 3. Males are inferior to the norm in flexibility and explosive power, while females are inferior to the norm in cardiovascular respiratory endurance. Females' and Males' muscular endurance are both above norm. Conclusion: This study showed that the freshmen's fitness is in the domestic medium level. We expect the university to reinforce male's flexibility and explosive power and female's, make post-test at the end of the semester and build up fitness passport system online in order to monitor the effect and provide students and faculties convenient internet service.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201106.0074
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201106.0074
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 1
起始頁: 74
結束頁: 84
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education