Title: 世界高水準女子排球比賽得分因素表現效益與比賽成績表現之關聯研究-以2011年世界杯女子排球賽為例
Correlation Research of Scoring Factors Based on Competitive Abilities and Competition Performance of the World Class Women Volleyball Games-Basedon FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup 2011
Authors: 吳美玉
Meei-Yhu Wu
Keywords: 排球;得分因素;競技能力;成績表現;灰關聯分析;Volleyball;Scoring factors;Competitive ability;Performance of match;Grey Relational Analysis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education
National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:探討12支參賽隊得分技術表現效益之差異和不同得分因素表現效益與比賽成績表現之間的關聯性;方法:以2011世界杯女子排球賽參賽12支球隊為研究對象,並以該12隊所進行單輪循環賽共66場233局的比賽之各項技術表現效益進行分析,研究內容為各隊主要得分技術(攻擊得分、攔網得分、發球得分、對方失誤得分)表現效益之差異分析,並以模糊理論的灰關聯分析法,探討不同得分因素之表現效益與比賽成績表現之間的關聯性;結論:一、不同得分因素之單局平均得分經分析後結果如下:(一)攻擊得分:全部賽程單局平均得12.38分,各隊是以美國隊(USA)單局平均得14.54分最高,日本隊(JPN)單局平均得14.24分次之;並以阿爾及利亞(ALG)單局平均得7.86 分為最低。(二)攔網得分:全部賽程單局平均得2.38分,以義大利隊(ITA)單局平均得3.18分為最高,美國隊(USA)單局平均3.00分次之;並以阿爾及利亞(ALG)單局平均得1.40分表現最低。(三)發球得分:全部賽程單局平均得1.28分,以德國隊(GER)單局平均得1.81分為最高,日本隊(JPN)單局平均1.47分次之;並以巴西隊(BRA)單局平均得0.93分表現最低。(四)對失得分:全部賽程單局平均得5.20分,以阿根廷(ARG)單局平均得6.09分為最高,義大利隊(ITA)單局平均得6.00分次之;並以肯亞隊(KEN)單局平均得3.78分表現最低。二、12支參賽隊不同得分因素與成績表現,經以灰關聯運算分析後,獲得初步研究的結果為:與勝率關聯度最高的為攻擊得分(0.796007),與勝率關聯度次高的為發球得分(0.724641),與勝率關聯度再次高的為對失得分(0.676294),與勝率關聯度最低的為攔網得分(0.642779)。
Purpose: To explore the correlation of scoring factors based on competitive abilities and competition performance of the 12 teams participated in the matches. Methods: This research was based on the statistics from 12 teams competed in the FIVB Volleyball Women's World Cup 2011. In the duration of 233 games from 66 matches, the competitive abilities and techniques (including game points scored from spikes, blocks, serve, and error from opponents) were studied and analyzed. In additions, Grey Relation Analysis (GRA) from fuzzy theory was used in this research to determine the correlation between scoring factors and competition performance. Conclusion: I. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: Spikes Score: The average score obtained from spikes was 12.38. The top two teams, USA and JPN had average scores obtained from spikes of 14.54 and 14.24 respectively. ALG had the least average score obtained from spikes of 7.86. Blocks Score: The average score obtained from blocks was 2.38. The top two teams, ITA and USA had average scores obtained from blocks of 3.18 and 3.00 respectively. ALG had the least average score obtained from blocks of 1.40. Serve Score: The average score obtained from serves was 1.28. The top two teams, GER and JPN had average scores obtained from serves of 1.81 and 1.47 respectively. BRA had the least average score obtained from serves of 0.93. Opponent Error Score: The average score obtained from opponents' error was 5.20. The top two teams, ARG and ITA had average scores obtained from opponents' errors of 6.09 and 6.00 respectively. KEN had the least average score obtained from opponents' errors of 3.78. II. In addition to the above findings, based on the grey relational analysis from the statistics of the 12 teams performed in the games, a preliminary conclusion could be: Spike was the most important technique to win the match with a correlation factor 0.796007. The second and third important techniques of winning the match were serve and error from opponents with a correlation factor 0.724641 and 0.676294, respectively. Finally, block was the least important technique among scoring factors with a factor 0.642779.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE.201206.0001
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE.201206.0001
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 3
Begin Page: 1
End Page: 15
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education