Title: 高中(職)排球選手知覺團隊凝聚力之研究
The Analysis of Team Cohesion of Volleyball Players in High Schools
Authors: 陳俊勳
Jiun-Shiun Chen
Keywords: 排球;團隊凝聚力;教練;volleyball;team cohesiveness;coach
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2014
Publisher: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education
National Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:本研究旨在了解102年全國莒光盃中等學校排球錦標賽選手知覺團隊凝聚力之情形。研究對象為參加102年全國莒光盃中等學校排球錦標賽高中(職)男、女子選手261人,方法:採用問卷調查法,資料分析包括:描述性統計、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(ony-way ANOVA)、雪費事後檢定(Scheffe's methed)等。結果:高中(職)排球選手知覺團隊凝聚力,會受到性別、年齡、與教練相處時間與國中是否排球校隊之影響。結論:團隊凝聚力的經營上,高年級選手應引導關懷低年級選手,並協助其對球隊事務適應,再者培養對團隊責任感、榮譽感、使命感,使選手感受到自己在球隊的重要性與貢獻性。
Purpose: This study aimed to understand the perception of the situation 102 years of team cohesion and other schools nationwide Jyuguang Cup volleyball tournament players. The subjects participated in 102 national Jyuguang Cup Volleyball Championship High School and other schools (vocational) men, women Group A player 261, Methods: A questionnaire survey, data analysis include: descriptive statistics, factor analysis, independent sample t test (t-test), single-factor analysis of variance (ony-way ANOVA), Scheffe (Scheffe's methed) and so on. Results: High School (grades) volleyball players perception of team cohesion, will be sex, age, time to get along with the coach and junior varsity whether the impact of volleyball. Conclusion: The management team cohesion, high school athletes should guide care for low-grade players and help the environment with the team affairs adapt Furthermore cultivation of team responsibility, sense of honor, a sense of mission, so that players feel that they are important in the team nature and contribution.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 8
Begin Page: 22
End Page: 32
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education