標題: 臺北市高級中學空手道運動代表隊參與動機之研究
A research on the participatory motivations of Karate representative players from Taipei senior high schools
作者: 陳昭璁
Tsau-Tsung Chen
Cheng-Chun Yang
Ting-Chun Pan
Kuan-Lieh Chen
關鍵字: 高中;空手道;參與動機;High School;Karate;Participation Motivations
公開日期: 1-六月-2016
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 目的:空手道運動在國小階段許多學校列入重點發展項目,並且有計畫在栽培基層空手道選手,現階段的中等學校的制度,對於空手道選手的培養建立一套垂直整合的制度,因此,本研究旨在探討空手道選手在不同背景變項參與動機的差異情形。方法:研究採用問卷調查法,係以參加臺北市中小學空手道錦標賽高中組之隊伍學生為研究對象,發放146份問卷,回收125份有效問卷,使用SPSS for Windows10版統計套裝軟體,以描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、雪費法事後比較進行資料處理。結果:空手道選手在參與動機方面最重視的因素是健康適能,甲組選手在參與動機上表現較強烈;運動年資1-3年、學業成績前三分之一的選手在參與動機上表現較不強烈。結論:讓選手在沒有後顧之憂的情況下才能盡全力投入訓練,選手具備應有的學業能力對選手將來升學或者求職都甚有益助,唯有兼顧學業,選手的未來才能更寬闊,家長才能放心讓子女加入運動訓練的行列。
Purpose: Karate has been listed as a key developing item in elementary school phase by many schools. These schools plan to cultivate basic-level karate players. At the present stage, secondary schools adopt vertical integration measures on nourishing karate players. On the consequence, this research aims to investigate the difference in participation motivations of karate players with different backgrounds. Method: This research adopts questionnaire method and uses the students participating Taipei Elementary and Junior High School Karate Championship Contest (High School Team) as the study objects. We sent out 146 questionnaires and withdrew 125 valid ones. Afterwards, we processed the data by SPSS for Windows10.0 with descriptive statistical analysis, independent-sample T test, one - way anova analysis, and Scheffé test. Results: The most valued factor of karate players on participation motivations is physical fitness. Players in first division act stronger on participation motivations, while players joining sport for 1-3 years or rank in first 1/3 in academic performance act not so stronger. Conclusion: This method makes the players devote themselves to athletic training without worries. Whichever advancing in academy or obtaining employment, players should have basic academic abilities, which are rather beneficial for them. Only by balancing schoolwork with sport performance can the players have the wider future. This way, parents would feel relieved to let their children join athletic training.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 11
起始頁: 13
結束頁: 24