Title: 非營利組織成員參與組織活動之動機與組織營運之研究-以銀杏高爾夫球隊為例
A Study on the Members of Participating Motivations and Improvement of Nonprofit Organization Effectiveness - A Case of Ginkgo Golf Team
Authors: 蔡振鴻
Jenn-Horng Tsai
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 非營利組織;參與動機;高爾夫運動;平台策略;Non-profit organization;Participant motivations;Golf sport;Platform strategy
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 球類運動已成為人們生活中的一環,各類球隊的興起與延續,除了職業組織外,大都有一團體性的組織,如以學校或公司行號為核心,秉持熱愛此球類運動之精神,堅持球隊之永續經營。一個永續經營的球隊,必須要能夠引起參與者的熱情及共鳴,讓大家對此球隊活動有所期待,不只滿足參與活動者之動機需求且能長久持續參與及支持之意願,亦即對活動舉辦效益要有正面的認知。 本研究以交大EMBA第八屆同學為主的銀杏高爾夫球隊為研究對象,透過銀杏隊的運作,經由觀察球員參與和個別訪談,了解球員為何參加球隊,及善用各種的平台策略,營造成球員願意參與的球隊。藉由本研究提供非營利組織的規劃者,如何經營非營利組織的關鍵成功因素。 本研究發現成員參與之動機多為聯誼交流,訓練球技等,透過領導者的熱心,教練的悉心指導,成員的熱心參與,而得以使銀杏高爾夫球隊成為具有獨特價值、效益的平台,從一單純的高爾夫球練習平台,轉變而成組織成員間不可或缺的生活平台之一。
Sports, especially ball games, have played a very important role in human being’s life. Except professional players, most other sport teams are created by the company-oriented or school-oriented purpose, to serve those people who stay in the same organization. Running a successful sports team in these organizations, leaders must arouse the enthusiasm of the members, so the members will then want to join the team activities. The purpose of this research is to find some key successful factors and strategies to run these nonprofit teams. So this research will use “Ginkgo Golf Team” in NCTU as a sample. By observed the operation and interview with some team members, we want to figure out why Ginkgo Golf Team is succeeded. What the team’s strategy is and why members want to join the activities. At the end of the research, we found that trough the highly devotion of the team leader, the guidance of coaches and the participation of members, “Ginkgo Golf Team” become a unique, valuable platform. This platform provides a place for members to play golf, and also a place to communicate and make friend between members.
Appears in Collections:Thesis