Title: 非營利組織運用整合行銷傳播之研究-以新竹市社區守望相助組織為例
The Promotion Application of IMC in Nonprofit Organization─A Case Study of Neighborhood Watch Organization in Hsinchu City
Authors: 謝建國
Chien-Kuo Hsieh
Dr. Tzong-Yau Chu
Keywords: 整合行銷傳播;非營利組織;社區;守望相助巡守組織;Integrated Marketing Communication(IMC);Nonprofit Organization;Community;Neighborhood Watch Organization
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 台灣地區的社區守望相助工作肇始於民國62年,社會隨著時代的變遷,產業結構日漸改變,深切地影響到台灣社會,傳統社會控制功能逐漸喪失,社會上產生文化衝突、矛盾與失調,這些現代都市生活病態更衍生出嚴重的犯罪問題。 管理大師彼得杜拉克有言,社區問題解決之道,就在社區裡面。非營利機構就是社區,我們正透過它來塑造一個公民社會。它是未來社會行動的中堅力量。守望相助組織是非營利機構的型態之一,也是重整社區的重要力量。因此,如何推展社區守望相助工作,由在地的居民親自來維護社區的秩序與安全則是亟待我們去努力的。 在推廣守望相助組織時,涉及到推廣的資源與工具整合的問題。整合行銷傳播(IMC)的概念在於以消費者的觀點來出發,透過綜效的整合,提供顧客與潛在顧客清晰一致的訊息,以發揮最大的傳播效益。 本研究透過整合行銷理論中的三大構面-資源整合、認知協調整合及接觸工具整合等三方面,來探討非營利組織在運用整合行銷傳播之情形。並以新竹市社區守望相助巡守隊為例,針對守望相助巡守隊成員進行問卷調查,以了解巡守隊成員對社區守望相助巡守隊的認同度、配合意願及治安滿意度情形,並透過統計軟體SPSS分析問卷資料,以驗證新竹市在推廣社區守望相助巡守隊時推廣工具之運用和人口變項是否和新竹市民的溝通效果達成顯著差異。再者透過對警政單位推廣人員的深度訪談,以了解新竹市對整合行銷理論中的三大構面之運用情況。 本研究根據分析問卷與深度訪談資料的結果,建議:新竹市應建立市民與利益關係人的資料庫後,以整合行銷傳播的方式,塑造組織內外的整體共識與組織形象,創造行銷綜效。此外,對組織整體策略而言,除制定明確的行銷策略及整體的配套措施,建立「整合行銷」功能取向的跨部門團隊外,更應培養多元的組織功能以及永續發展的可能,以期建立民眾需求為導向的行銷過程,而在執行的過中,並應注意到隨時評估修正各項行銷策略。而本研究結果亦可供其他縣市在推廣守望相助組織時的參考。
Social and industrial changes with time have greatly influenced society in Taiwan since the neighborhood watch was started in 1973. Decline of traditional social control and cultural conflicts, paradox, and disorder in society have led to serious crime. Solutions to community problems, said by Master Duke, lies in the community. A nonprofit organization refers exactly to a community, with which a whole-citizen community is created. Neighborhood watch organization is not only merely part of a non-profit organization, but also an important drive to reorganize a community. The promotion of neighborhood watch organization involves resources and integration of tools. IMC offers consistent information to customers and potential customers through the focus on customers. Through three dimensions, the integration of promotion tools, resources and media application, in IMC theories and with an example of neighborhood watch organization, Hsin-chu city, the research explores how non-profit organizations work. In order to understand how neighborhood watch organization is seen by the members, how they are willing to work, and if they are content with the social order, the analysis of data by SPSS is conducted. On the other hand, questionnaire to police officers in charge of promotion of this business shows if there is any outstanding differentiation about the application of IMC theories. Based on the result of questionnaire and interview, suggestions are presented that Hsin-chu city is supposed to build up a database of citizens and related people, take an integrated marketing communication, and create the image of the organization to make IMC. In addition to the possibilities to developing a multi-organization and permanent development, an organization needs to enact the specific marketing strategies. In the performance of this IMC strategy, it also requires much attention with evaluation and modification of marketing strategies. And the result of this study can be referred by the other counties and cities in promoting neighborhood watch.
Appears in Collections:Thesis