Title: | 不同熱身方式對隨後運動表現的影響 Effects of Various Warm-up Methods on Subsequent Performance |
Authors: | 張祐華 周宜辰 Yu-Hua Chang Choc-Yi Chen |
Keywords: | 低強度有氧運動;動態熱身;靜態伸展;Low-intensity aerobic exercise;dynamic warm-up;static stretch |
Issue Date: | 1-Dec-2017 |
Publisher: | 國立交通大學體育室 Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University |
Abstract: | 目的:在競技運動中,如何讓運動員透過熱身運動提升隨後運動表現或降低運動傷害,一直是教練及運動員探討的課題之一。本文旨在瞭解熱身運動對隨後運動表現的效果。方法:採文獻探討方式,透過CEPS及PubMed網路資料庫,依據,熱身準備、運動表現、熱身強度及恢復時間的關鍵詞搜尋國內外近50年相關研究,所得原創性論文22篇及綜評性文章8篇,進行分析、比較與歸納。結果:熱身運動會誘發身體生理變化,提高身體溫度、增加肌肉的血流量、減少肌肉沾黏、增加感覺神經元的受納器,以及增加神經衝動的速度,以使肌肉收縮更有力量,有助於隨後的運動表現,並降低運動傷害的產生。而熱身的強度建議使用輕中強度的方式,可以減少乳酸的產生及提高肌肉溫度。熱身後的恢復時間,採5至10分鐘可維持核心溫度。若需以高強度進行熱身,應以5至20分鐘的恢復時間,讓磷酸肌酸回補並保持肌肉溫度。而靜態伸展可放鬆肌肉提升柔軟度,但會減少肌肉等速收縮力量,不適合敏捷性運動的熱身準備。結論:建議運動者應以個別的運動型態,選擇適合自己的熱身模式、控制熱身強度並選擇適當的恢復時間,對隨後的運動表現會有所助益。 Purpose: In the field of competitive sports, letting athletes improve their performance and reduce injuries by proper warm-up methods has always been an important issue for both athletes and their coaches. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of different warm-ups on subsequent sport performance. Methods: Researches published throughout the world over the past five decades were collected and acquired from online databases of CEPS and PubMed. 22 related original articles and 8 reviews over the past five decades were collected by keyword searching of warm-up preparation, sports performance, warm-up strength and recovery time, etc. Results: The result shows that warm-ups induce physiological changes including body temperature rising, muscle blood flow increasing, muscular adhesions reducing, number of sensory neuron receptors increasing, and speed of nerve impulse increasing. These effects leads to generating powerful muscle contraction, which improves sports performances and reduce sports injuries. Medium intensity of warm-up exercise is recommended, which can reduce the production of lactate and raise body temperature. 5 to 10 minutes of recovery time after warm-up is adopted to maintain core body temperature. If high intensity of warm-up exercise is needed, 5 to 20 minutes of recovery time is recommended, which can lead to the covering of creatine phosphate and maintain muscle temperature. Noted that doing static stretch after light aerobic exercise is likely to eliminate the benefit of light aerobic exercise on subsequent sport performance. Conclusion: Athletes should apply different warm-ups due to their sports variety. By controlling the intensity of warm-ups and applying appropriate recovery time, athletes’ sports performance can be improved. |
URI: | http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE https://sport.sa.nctu.edu.tw/?page_id=724 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/155650 |
ISSN: | 2219-5696 |
DOI: | 10.6462/JCDPE |
Journal: | 交大體育學刊 Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education |
Issue: | 13 |
Begin Page: | 23 |
End Page: | 31 |
Appears in Collections: | Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education |