標題: 籃球運動訓練及營養補充策略
Basketball exercise Training and Nutrition Supplement
作者: 陳忠強
Chiang-chung Chen
Y-Hung Lee
Ai-Chun Huang
Cheng-Chyuan Lai
關鍵字: 籃球;運動訓練;體能;basketball;training;Physical fitness
公開日期: 1-十二月-2017
出版社: 國立交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 籃球運動在國內設立職業聯盟後,國內籃球教練和球員都認同體能訓練是提升運動表現最重要的因素之一。對於球員的體能訓練更是要求,而優秀運動員在訓練過程中所消耗的能量是一般人的2-3倍,因此需要足夠的營養來維持生理機能,本研究主要是以身體活動能量代謝和運動訓練和營養補充策略的應用及其相關的理論,進而以實證性文獻探究對運動表現之影響。將所得資料加以歸納、分析與整合。研究結果可知:營養是改善體能和促進健康重要的因素之一,運動員若要創造巔峰之體能狀況,務必要有合理之飲食與適當的營養攝取與正確的訓練方式促進運動員的運動表現,建議營養教育者及相關單位可根據需求、使用時機和頻率來加強飲食教育,並指導選手如何正確飲食,期望藉此結果可做為運動相關人員未來進行訓練策略與營養教育之參考。
Basketball exercise in the country to establish professional alliances, the domestic basket coach, the players on the physical training is the most important factor. The training of athletes is more demanding, and the best athletes in the training process, the consumption of nutrients is 2-3 times that of ordinary people, so the need for adequate nutrition to maintain physiological function, this study is mainly physical activity energy metabolism and sports training And nutritional supplement strategy and its related theory, and then to empirical literature on the impact of sports performance. The data are summarized, analyzed and integrated. The results show that: nutrition is to improve physical fitness and promote health is one of the important factors, athletes to create the peak of the physical condition, be sure to have a reasonable diet and proper nutrition intake and the right training methods to promote athletic performance, Educators and related units can be based on needs, the use of timing and frequency to strengthen food education, and guide the players how to eat properly, hoping to use this result as a sports-related personnel training strategies and nutritional education for future reference.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6462/JCDPE
ISSN: 2219-5696
DOI: 10.6462/JCDPE
期刊: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 13
起始頁: 32
結束頁: 40