標題: 臺灣客家音樂的集體記憶與地方感:以《客家歌謠選集》為例
Collective Memory and Sense of Place in Taiwan Hakka Music: A Case Study of Selected Collections of Hakka Songs
作者: 林子晴
Tzu-Ching Lin
關鍵字: 客家歌謠;人文地理學;地方感;集體記憶;Hakka Songs;Human Geography;Sense of Place;Collective Memory
公開日期: May-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 本研究從人文地理學-區域、場所與地方感之觀點,重新理解兩冊客家歌謠選集中的86首傳統歌曲。從歌詞分析中發現,客家歌謠書寫包含地理範圍遼闊的「區域情懷」(29%)、「工作場所」(22%),以及「生命地景」(10%)昇華到歷史記憶的銘刻(7%)。其次,透過從歌本中演唱者「做韻」的符碼-虛詞/襯字及各地曲調之音階形式分析,釐清客家歌謠如何保存原鄉曲調唱腔,同時又融入及發展臺灣在地音樂特色的演唱風格。最後達到理解客家以承載族群意識的歌詞為容器,收藏各地曲調形成一詞多曲的表現。這些傳統歌詞、曲調及做韻方式呈現客家移民的生活場景,也標記了特定的地方情感符碼,使客家歌謠成為召喚各地客家集體記憶的載體。
This article analyzes the text and performance of Hakka songs from a perspective of human geography. It focuses on the 86 traditional songs in two Hakka song anthologies published by Taiwan government. I analyzed both the lyrics and the recordings of the songs. My analysis of the lyrics revealed that the songs contain rich geographical components, such as regional sentiment and descriptions of places and landscapes. My analysis of the recordings shows the singers used nonsemantic syllables and lining words, and they employed the typical style while integrating Taiwan’s local singing styles to evoke a sense of place. I argue when Hakka people sang a variety of old tunes from different locations, they sang the songs based on their own sense of place. Their idiosyncratic singing carries the collective memory of being the Hakka while also expressing specific living experience and local emotions.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=49&CA_ID=525
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 12
起始頁: 131
結束頁: 174
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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