標題: 「新生」的 17 哩: 砂拉越客家華人新村的地方感與集體記憶
From 17th Mile to Siburan:Sense of Place and Collective Memory in a Hakka Chinese New Village of Sarawak
作者: 陳敏萱
Chen, Min-Hsuan
Lo, Lieh-Shih
關鍵字: 地方感;集體記憶;華人新村;客家;砂拉越;sense of space;collective memory;Chinese New Village;Hakka;Sarawak
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 馬來西亞砂拉越古晉的郊區17哩,在20世紀初期即有客家移民在當地拓墾定居,並在1950年發展成一個小型華人聚落。但當1963年砂拉越被併入馬來西亞聯邦後,17哩地區的客家年輕人紛紛投身於左翼運動,試圖抵抗政府的強行合併。同時1965年其與印尼聯合的攻擊行動,造成了政府強制將17哩這個區域原本散居的華人全體集中搬遷到當地新規劃的華人新村限制居住,並實施長達15年的戒嚴管制。 17哩這些華人在長達15年的管制區生活後,伴隨著新村管制區後期開放與經濟狀況逐漸好轉,讓許多人選擇在此繼續定居,並建立與延續管制區時期的村落生活圈,進而建構出對這個地方更為深層的地方感。再者,隨著新一代17哩人的誕生,他們不僅延續了這種地方感的生成,同時使得過往當地在左翼運動與新村成立初期艱辛生活的集體記憶也隨之改變,進而產生結構性失憶。 但過去的新村研究多是放在管制區時期的歷史脈絡或新村問題來做探討,較少關注到新村在不同時期發展演變的貫時性相關研究,也無法從中知道新村內部的發展演變。而本研究在砂拉越17哩這個華人新村發現,要觀察整體的村落發展,仍需要面對新村是在一個歷史脈絡中被劃歸的「特定空間」這一事實來做進一步的討論。因此,我欲將焦點放置在「地方」和「集體記憶」的視角重新檢視「新村」,並探討地方如何生成地方感,同時又如何讓既有的集體記憶產生轉變。 研究發現在此視角下的「新村」從來就不是一個停留在新村管制區時期的靜止狀態,相對的這個「地方」是以一有機體的形式,隨著時間藉由相異世代村民的影響,以不同的形式反覆建構地方感與重塑當地的集體記憶。
17th Mile in the suburb of Kuching Division in Sarawak, Malaysia, is the location where Hakka Chinese dwelt since the early twentieth century; hence a small tribe was formed here in 1950s. In 1965, the communist armed movements took place in Sarawak. Due to weaken the atmosphere of the movement, the government compelled the Hakka Chinese from the 15th to 24th mile reorganizing into three Chinese New Villages—Siburan, Beratok, and Tapah, and executed isolation and superintendence for fifteen years. From the prospect of Place and Collective Memories, this research focuses on the changes before and after the formation of Siburan till the present time. And I discovered that though after the fifteen-year isolation, by reason of the liberation policy and rising economy, these Hakka Chinese who chose to remain in Siburan and maintain the village life circle developed deeper attachment to this Chinese New Village. This sense of place gradually transforms the collective memories of the Hakka Chinese from the early strenuous life and the communist history. Like an organism, the concept of Chinese New Village in Sarawak is dynamic. Generations of village people construct and reconstruct the sense of place and their collective memories.


  1. 520101.pdf

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