標題: 二戰前在日客家人相關考察: 以丘念台與東寧學會為中心
A Study on Hakka People in Japan Before the Second World War: The Cases of Qiu Niantai and Dongning Society
作者: 范智盈
Chih Ying Fan
關鍵字: 日本客家;丘念台;客家團體;崇正會;Japanese Hakka;Qiu Niantai;Hakka Gourp;Chong Zheng Association
公開日期: Nov-2019
出版社: 國立交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao Tung University
摘要: 二戰前在日本以丘念台為中心的抗日團體——東寧學會,至今的學術研究多放置於革命團體中解釋,儘管組織成員與領導者皆為客家相關人物,在日本客家的研究並未提及。其原因可推測組織的政治色彩大過於族群特徵,且組織實存時間並不長,因此東寧學會在日本客家史上的位置並不明確。 本文主要以丘念台與在日留學期間所組織的「東寧學會」進行考察,從其形成經緯及組織特徵,檢討二戰前在日客家人的相關活動紀錄,同時辨析以客家籍成員為主的團體與現今以客家認同為主的團體,兩者之間的殊異及可能的關聯。主要目的除了補充二戰前客家人在日本的相關歷史外,也希冀透過東寧學會中的客家成分,為一般學術上對於「客家團體」的考察有所提示。
The “Dongning Society” of Qiu Niantai is regarded as a political group in current academic research. Although both of the organization's leaders and members are Hakka, the study of Hakka people in Japan was not mentioned. This article mainly examines Qiu Niantai and “Dongning Society”. From the view of organization structure and operation of Dongning Society,we give a review about the Hakka people and their record of activities in Japan before the World War II. At the same time, we analyze the difference and possible connections between the Hakka and related groups. The main purpose of this paper is to supplement the relevant history of the Hakka people in Japan before the Second World War. We also hope to interpret the meeting of the general academic “Hakka group” with the example of the Dongning Society.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=50&CA_ID=536
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 13
起始頁: 149
結束頁: 170
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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