標題: Compact camera module testing equipment with a conversion lens
作者: Pan, Jui-Wen
Institute of Photonic System
Biomedical Electronics Translational Research Center
公開日期: 27-二月-2012
摘要: Modified testing equipment for adjusting the back focal length of a compact camera module (CCM) is proposed. The advantages of this modified testing equipment which includes a conversion lens are that it saves on testing space, offers a smaller sized testing chart, as well as high speed chart changing, and variable object distances. The modified testing equipment can produce a test chart of 38.32 mm compared to an equivalent testing chart of 5000 mm with the conventional testing equipment. At the regular object distance of 2000 mm, both total track and testing chart size for the modified test equipment were 8.3% that of the conventional testing equipment. By using this testing equipment, the testing space can be shrunk significantly. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1364/OE.20.005303
ISSN: 1094-4087
DOI: 10.1364/OE.20.005303
Volume: 20
Issue: 5
起始頁: 5303
結束頁: 5312


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