Title: 偶微偏:一個古老偶然的當代奔流
Authors: 朱元鴻
Keywords: 偶微偏;路癸夏;偶然;未決定性;事件;clinamen;Lucretius;chance;indeterminacy;event
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2007
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: “Clinamen”這個字漸漸出現在當代的前衛文藝、文學批評、科學、哲學等幾個距離頗遠而又各自不相通的領域裡。不同領域的讀者對這個古怪的字也多只有局部的理解與想像。這個字仍然極少以中譯出現,偶爾見到譯為「曲解」、「誤讀」、「偏偏」、或音譯為「克里那門」,卻幾乎沒有譯者能夠進一步說明依據,顯現出對這個字在思想史背景的陌生與困窘。本文目的在於廣泛並深入勘查這個字在思想史上以及當代文學、科學、哲學等不同領域被「發現」的意涵。從路癸夏哲學長詩《物性論》裡的伊比鳩魯物理學概念,經二十世紀初柏格森的引介,雅瑞與前衛實驗文學的引伸,瑟爾、普里高津、史坦傑爾等科學哲學家所聯繫的當代科學前沿,德勒茲、拉岡、德希達等當代哲學的闡發,本文進行概念史的探討,說明何以將clinamen譯為「偶微偏」,跨越科學與人文所謂「兩個文化」的谷道,藉著文學、科學、哲學的不同氣候,盡可能呈現偶微偏作為當代思想問題意識的潛在脈絡,最後並據以為當前社會研究與文化研究的自我想像提出幾點批判性的反思。
Abstract ”Clinamen”, still a strange word for many, has gradually appeared in diverse fields such as literature and art, criticism, science, and philosophy. Yet readers in various fields usually have only partial and local understanding of its connotation. The word has rarely been translated into Chinese; and the few translations failed to provide reasonable explanation for why it was so translated. All these indicates an inadequate understanding of the unusual thought backgrounds in which this word is embedded and fluxed, an obscure history of idea that reaches back more than two thousand years. This paper examines the history of the idea ”clinamen”, especially since its rediscovery by Henri Bergson at the early twentieth century. It traces the reception and re-conception of the idea across contemporary meteors, such as literature and art in Alfred Jarry and OULIPO, philosophy of science in Michel Serres and Ilya Prigogine, and the philosophical thinking of Gilles Deleuze and Jacques Derrida. In conclusion the paper provides some critical reflections on the selfimagination of social research and cultural studies.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.200710_(5).0003
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.200710_(5).0003
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 5
Begin Page: 87
End Page: 118
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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