Title: 施明正,書寫的身體政治與政治身體的書寫
Authors: 楊凱麟
Keywords: 施明正;性-政治布置;浪蕩子;身體政治;書寫;Ming-Zheng Shi;sex-political dispositif;dandy;body politic;writing
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2011
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 施明正的小說呈顯一種性-政治的布置,這是透過文學致使政治與性特質在威權體制下不可區辨,是摻入性愛雜質的政治抗議文學,亦是佐以最恐怖政治氛圍所寫就的羅曼史。作為一種浪蕩子的文學,施明正的小說擁有一整個獨特的感官世界,其透過風格化的文筆建構「我」的日常生活中,甚至滲入讓「我」既喪膽又屈服的鎮壓式政治機器裡,以一種反覆遮掩、揭露、歌頌與批判的神經質語言構成他最特異的文學風格,最終使得文學等同於書寫的身體政治學。施明正的第一人稱小說很巧妙地使他得以往來於真實生命與語言虛構之間,他的小說代表著虛構與真實同一的世界,不僅是他身處的白色恐怖時代總是一再羅織、編派各種子虛烏有的「叛亂」與「顛覆政府」事件,也不僅是國民黨正全面啟動各種文工力量粉飾與創造一整部「復興基地與反共堡壘」的領袖神話,更不僅是施明正(以及許多因文字賈禍的政治犯)曾因此真實地被囚禁與監控的冤獄史實,而且更在於施明正作品中以獨特風格所曝現的怪異現實,這是比虛構更虛假的現實,也是比真實還逼真的虛構。
The work of the Shi Ming-Zheng demonstrates a sex-political dispositive that is indistinguishable from politics and sexuality in the era of political repression. This is a literature of protest mixing sexuality, but also a romance in an era of white terror. As the literature of dandyism, the work of Shi has a singular world of sensibility that relates to a haptic of the everyday world. This world, described by a schizophrenic language, transforms the literature to a body politic.The novel, written in first person, goes and returns between real life and verbal fiction. Shi's work represents the identity of fiction and reality. It is a fiction more real than reality, a reality more fictional than fiction.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201203_(13).0002
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201203_(13).0002
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 13
Begin Page: 57
End Page: 80
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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