Title: 香港本土論述、文化解殖、後殖民創傷之弔詭關係:以保衛皇后碼頭運動為例
Authors: 張佩思
Keywords: 保衛皇后碼頭運動;香港研究;殖民主義;後殖民主義;解殖/去殖;本土論述;創傷;Queen's Pier Preservation Movement;Hong Kong studies;Colonialism;Postcolonialism;Decolonization;Local discourse;Trauma
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2016
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
Abstract: 「保衛皇后碼頭運動」乃2006年至2007年間發生在香港的抗爭運動,事件前後歷時九個月,終告失敗。通過此研究個案,本文試圖分析本土論述、文化解殖、後殖民創傷三者之間的弔詭關係,從而了解香港在回歸後的處境和狀態。是場抗爭運動強調本土、行動、自主自決、人民參與,並致力為香港重新寫歷史、為下一代守衛土地。本文將指出,通過多元化的抗爭手法,此運動一方面展現了抗爭者堅拒為經濟發展而放棄社區生活和人文價值的姿態,一方面則呈現出一種帶有自主和批判性的新本土精神,是本土意識的一次重要轉向。與此同時,把抗爭者和政府官員的歷史觀作對照的話,不難發現前者的思維帶有解殖語境,後者則旨在「保殖」,事件中更隱約暴露了從殖民時期延續下來的管治邏輯和權力分布圖像。是次運動的失敗,亦正好突顯了香港在回歸以後的「創傷」狀態。
The Queen's Pier, built in 1953-1954, served as a significant structure during the colonial era in Hong Kong. Being part of the Central Reclamation Phase III project, the Queen's Pier had to be demolished to make way for the reclamation of Victoria Harbour. The demolition of Queen's Pier drew strong opposition from the public, which triggered a conflict between the government and the public. The Queen's Pier Preservation Movement refers to the movement emerged in 2006-07 in response to this demolition plan, which aimed at preserving Hong Kong's historical space and local cultures. By examining the paradoxical relationship among local discourse, cultural decolonization and postcolonial trauma, this paper seeks to examine the situation of Hong Kong after 1997. The Queen's Pier Preservation Movement emphasized localism, action, autonomy, self-determination and individual participation, aimed at rewriting Hong Kong's history and safeguarding its autonomy. It denoted a change in the attitudes and values of the young generation towards Hong Kong and governance. By analyzing the strategies employed by the protesters, I argue that the significance of this movement is twofold: first, it demonstrated a strong resistance to economic growth and urban entrepreneurialism at the expense of local cultures and histories. Second, a new sense of localism focusing on autonomy and self-determination was fostered during the movement, which clearly marked a critical turn in localism. In addition, by contrasting the viewpoints of the government and the protesters over the issues of cultural development, heritage preservation and urban renewal, it inadvertently provoked a debate on 'decolonization' and 'pro-colonization'. This ironically revealed the legacy of colonialism in post-1997 Hong Kong in terms of bureaucratic administration and distribution of power. Despite mass protests by the public, the pier was finally dismantled and completely demolished in February 2008. I conclude that the failure of this movement, in fact, exposed Hong Kong's traumatic condition after 1997.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201609_(23).0008
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201609_(23).0008
Journal: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 23
Begin Page: 141
End Page: 164
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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