標題: 香港,誰的香港?
作者: 童慶生
關鍵字: 香港;「一國兩制」;「內在種族主義」;殖民主義和本土文化;本土主義;Hong Kong;"One country two systems,";"Internal racism,";Colonialism and local culture;Localism
公開日期: 1-Sep-2016
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學出版社
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Press
摘要: 中港兩地矛盾,根深蒂固,由來已久,有著深刻而複雜的歷史緣由。本文認為,九七年香港回歸以後,兩地在政治和意識形態上的分歧和衝突,便是兩地深層次矛盾衝突的必然結果,而「占中運動」突出集中地反映出兩地在社會價值上的巨大落差。筆者認為,香港社會中普遍存在的「內在種族主義」是造成兩地間磨擦和衝突的一個重要的原因。之所以稱之為「內在種族主義」,是因為同一族群內,極端或近似仇恨的歧視,較之異族間的歧視和仇恨有過之而無不及。香港社會內的殖民主義的情感結構,使其「內在種族主義」常常表現為追隨西方,尤其是英國,和排斥大陸政治、語言、文化、生活習慣的傾向。本文討論香港「內在種族主義」的成因以及與香港殖民歷史的關係,認為只有充分認識到這種地域性的歧視,才有可能真正認識到中港矛盾的複雜性以及消除這種矛盾的艱難。
This essay begins with the observation that Hong Kong's distrust of mainland China has deepened nearly two decades after its return to China. In an attempt to understand what has brought about the present difficulties in the relationship between the two places, the essay offers a reading of what it calls Hong Kong's "internal racism" against mainlanders. That the essay chooses not to discuss in detail the territory's constitutional statues and identity or its so-called "core values" does not mean that its author overlooks these important issues. The essay has its focus on the advancement of the following points: 1) that the convergence of Hong Kong's neoliberal capitalism and its colonial culture has played a singular role in defining Hong Kong's rejection of the mainland and 2) that its ideological and political divergence from the mainland, which has frequently been considered by commentators as the locale of tension and conflict, may be read as intensified manifestation of its deep-seated capitalistic/colonial way of life.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.6752/jcs.201609_(23).0010
ISSN: 1816-0514
DOI: 10.6752/jcs.201609_(23).0010
期刊: 文化研究
Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies
Issue: 23
起始頁: 187
結束頁: 200
Appears in Collections:Router: A Journal of Cultural Studies

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