標題: 企業社會責任對多國籍食品飲料公司績效之影響
Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Multinational Food and Beverage Companies' Performance
作者: 商夏
Namon Juhan
Wen-Min Lu
關鍵字: 企業社會責任;食品和飲料公司;績效;資料包絡分析;Corporate Social Responsibility;Food and Beverage Companies;Performance;Data Envelopment Analysis
公開日期: 1-十月-2022
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 食品和飲料行業的現代化進程加速了全球食品和飲料市場的競爭。企業社會責任是一種明顯的企業趨勢。同時,多國籍食品和飲料公司必須維持運營效率以達成績效之基準,以衡量在給定的經濟或金融活動期間產生了多少成本,而較低的成本等於較高的效率。本研究在考量資源和市場觀點之條件下,整合資料包絡分析法探究71家全球食品和飲料公司之績效表現。結果指出,食品和飲料公司的社會評分在歐洲較高,其次是美國和亞洲,而績效評分在美國最高,其次是亞洲和歐洲。這一發現指出,歐洲公司為履行社會責任和產品責任而付出的努力可能會產生相對較大的成本,從而影響其生產效率。這種分析技術除了可以幫助重新定位食品和飲料公司的產出和投入資源之外,還可以增強戰略、戰術和管理。此外,效率低下的公司可以製定經營策略,通過使用數據分析結果來增強其競爭優勢。
Modernization in the food and beverage industry has accelerated competition in the global food and beverage marketplace. Corporate Social Responsibility is a notable corporate trend; simultaneously, the accountability of multinational food and beverage companies to achieve benchmarking must maintain operational efficiency measuring how much costs are incurred during a given economic or financial activity, where lower costs equal greater efficiency. This investigative study explores the performance of 71 global food and beverage companies' benchmarks regarding resources and market perspectives by integrating the data envelopment analysis models. The finding suggests that food and beverage firm's social scores higher within Europe, followed by America and Asia, whereas performance scores are the highest in America, followed by Asia and Europe. This finding implies that European companies' efforts to enforce social and product responsibility may incur relatively large costs, affecting their production efficiency. This analytic technique can enhance strategic, tactical, and management in addition to help relocate outputs and inputs resources for food and beverage companies. Furthermore, inefficient companies can strategize to enhance their competitive advantage by using data analysis results.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/jms.202210_29(4).0005
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/jms.202210_29(4).0005
期刊: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 29
Issue: 4
起始頁: 525
結束頁: 559