Title: 以文獻計量分析技術剖析1975~2020台灣工業工程與管理學門研究論文發表行為
A Bibliometric Overview of Research Articles of Industrial Engineering and Management in Taiwan between 1975 and 2020
Authors: 吳泰熙
Tai-Hsi Wu
Jui-Fu Liang
Keywords: 工業工程與管理;文獻計量;引文分析;期刊分析;主題趨勢;Industrial Engineering and Management;Bibliometric;Citation Analysis;Journal Analysis;Thematic Trends
Issue Date: 1-Oct-2022
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學經營管理研究所
Institute of Business and Magement, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 工業工程與管理是臺灣早期經濟發展的重要推手之一,台灣在1970年前後於各大專院校陸續成立工業工程相關科系。本研究藉由使用文獻計量分析技術,詳細探究1975~2020這45年間台灣工業工程與管理學門內相關科系之教師及研究人員在國際期刊論文發表行為、論文引用/被引用上之表現,包含與世界各主要國家之比較以及論文品質初探。此外,本研究亦針對45年間研究主題之趨勢進行分析,企圖描繪工業工程與管理領域在過去45年間的知識智慧架構之變化並做出歸納。研究結果顯示領域內學者之論文發表品質能緊貼國際主流優良期刊之水準;研究議題之趨勢雖仍圍繞在領域內之主流研究議題,但隨著世界或是台灣特性之新興研究議題產生,亦可看到新興或當代流行研究議題之蹤跡。
Industrial engineering and management (IEM) was one of the important drivers of Taiwan's early economic development. In the 1970s, industrial engineering-related departments have been successively established in various colleges and universities. By using bibliometric analysis techniques, this study explores in detail the performance of researchers in related institutes in Taiwan's IEM disciplines in terms of publishing behaviors and citations/citations in international academic journals during the 45 years from 1975 to 2020, including comparisons with major countries in the world and preliminary research on the quality of papers published. In addition, this study also analyzes the trend of research topics in the past 45 years, and attempts to describe the changes or evolutions in the knowledge and intelligence framework of IEM. The research results show that the quality of papers published by scholars in IEM field of Taiwan can keep up with the high standard of international mainstream journals. Although the trend of research topics still revolves around the mainstream research topics in the field, with the emergence of research topics with the world or Taiwan characteristics, traces of emerging or contemporary popular research issues can also be found.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29416/jms.202210_29(4).0006
ISSN: 1023-9863
DOI: 10.29416/jms.202210_29(4).0006
Journal: 管理與系統
Journal of Management and Systems
Volume: 29
Issue: 4
Begin Page: 561
End Page: 606
Appears in Collections:Journal of Management and System