標題: 圖書館期刊使用統計之系統設計與實作:以博碩士論文之參考文獻為例
Design and Implementation for Statistical Citation Analysis of Journal Papers: A Study of References of Dissertations and Theses
作者: 王冬祥
Wang, Tung-hsiang
Hwang, Ming-jiu
關鍵字: 期刊使用統計系統;文獻計量;期刊使用率;System for Citation Analysis of Journal papers(SCAJ);Bibliometrics;Utility rate of Journal papers
公開日期: 2010
摘要: 探討期刊資源被使用的情況,一直以來都是圖書資訊學領域的一項重要研究,圖書館也利用各種方式想瞭解期刊資源的使用情況。針對校內的研究產出,利用論文的參考文獻來進行統計分析,是一種以使用者為導向,反應實際研究及使用需求有效的方法。但進行相關的分析研究必須仰賴大量的人工方式,蒐集、整理、過濾出相關的資訊,是此類研究中很大的負擔。 本研究以參考文獻計量為基礎,設計建置一套期刊使用統計系統(System for Citation Analysis of Journal Papers,SCAJ)。系統區分為六大模組:系統模組、刊名資料庫模組、引文模組、統計期刊清單模組、共享模組、以及統計作業模組。使用者可將參考文獻資料匯入,以進行分析作業,系統即可產出文獻類型,以及西文期刊的引用次數統計結果。此外,使用者亦可匯入期刊清單,與參考文獻統計結果進行進一步的統計,利用自訂的權重進行統計,最後產出可供參考的統計數據,協助圖書館做為評估期刊使用情況的參考。 SCAJ可廣泛應用於參考文獻資料的統計工作,協助解決參考文獻著錄凌亂問題,並減少人工作業時間。用於圖書館的期刊資源使用狀況時,可利用使用者的論文產出,統計論文的期刊引用,回推圖書館期刊資源的使用狀況,協助研究圖書館期刊使用率的問題。
The analysis of journal usage has always been an important research topic in Library and Information Science. Various methods have been used by the libraries to understand the usage of journal papers. Citation analysis of references of research publications is a user-oriented method which may efficiently show the actual demand of journal resource. However, it used to require a lot of time and effort to collect, organize, and analyze the information, which resulted in a heavy burden on this kind of research. Based on the metrological analysis of the references of dissertations and theses, a System of Citation Analysis of Journal Papers (SCAJ) is proposed. The system is divided into 6 modules: system module, module of journal titles, citation module, module of statistic inventories of journals, partaking module, and statistic module. Through SCAJ, users can get the information about the categories of literatures and citation times of English journal papers. Furthermore, users can enter journal lists and self-set weighting index to do extending citation analysis. The final outcome is statistics that are worth referring to and can be used to evaluate the usage of journals by the libraries. SCAJ solves the problem caused by confusing and disordered references and reduces the cost of labor and time. The utility rate and citation frequency of journal papers and can be precisely estimated by using SCAJ to analyze the references of dissertations and these.


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