Title: 從畲語與客家話的「逐字仿譯詞」論證畲客語言與族群關係
Demonstrating the language and ethnicity relationship between the She and the Hakka people through the “Calques”
Authors: 羅程詠
Chang-rhun Lo
Keywords: 畲語;海豐;海陸客家話;逐字仿譯詞;She Language;Hai-Feng;Hai-Lu Hakka Language;Calques
Issue Date: May-2022
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 畲族與客家族群的關係,過去曾有許多學者進行論證,然直至今日,說法仍舊眾多。筆者認為若從語言學詞彙研究的角度出發,逐一分析畲語的詞彙內部詞素,並且搭配「主流客家話」作為對照對象,應能對兩個族群的實際關係釐清有所幫助。畲族語言屬苗瑤語系,客家話今屬於漢語系,然客家話卻含有許多北方漢語所缺少的「特色詞彙」。筆者選擇海豐畲語與海陸豐地區的客家話作為比較對象,筆者從中選定十五個客家話特色詞彙,將之畲族語言比較,並逐個詞素拆解,發現相當特別且有規律性的對應情形,也就是「構詞意象」的高度相似,亦即這些詞屬於兩種語言的「逐字仿譯詞」。這種對應情形,極有可能為「畲客同源說」帶來更強而有力的證據。
Many scholars have discussed the relationship between the She and Hakka people. We believe that if the internal lexical elements of the She language is analyzed, it may clarify the actual relationship between the two ethnic groups. The She language and the Hakka language belong to different language family. the Hakka language contains many “featured words” that are not found in the northern Chinese language but are found in She language. We selected fifteen featured words of the Hakka language, deconstructing them word by word. The results showed that these words, “Calques “ of both languages, were high similarity in the “composition of imagery” This correspondence is likely to bring strongevidence for the “She-Hakka Homology Hypothesis”.
URI: http://ghk.nctu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=55&CA_ID=585
ISSN: 2308-2437
Journal: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 18
Begin Page: 131
End Page: 161
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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