DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract「開發你對學習的熱情,你將永遠不會停止成長」-美國作家 Anthony J. D'Angelo 曾說過這句至理名言,而作為老師,教學的義務之一就是啟發學生對學 習的熱情,如此一來學生就不用被動式的逼迫而會自求成長。但是要如何點燃學 生對於艱澀枯燥的科目的熱情就顯得格外困難。材料科學這個領域日顯重要,近 年來各種議題都與材料有關,例如能源問題以及智慧醫療,都需要研發新的材料。 尤其是為了因應近日的 Covid-19 疫情問題,各國都投入很多研究資源在生醫材 料與檢測的研究,這些都與智慧醫療脫離不了關係。因此,生醫材料、電化學、 電子學的等相關的科目的教育日顯重要。本人雖然教學經驗不多,但是發現按照 現有的教材教學,學生都普遍覺得太難、太無趣,因此很容易打退堂鼓,或是在 課堂上敷衍了事。而實驗課的部分,現有的實驗大部分都是古典的實驗,因此和 現代科技很難接軌。為了解決 1.學習效果不佳,及 2.實驗內容過舊這兩個問題, 本計畫設計了一系列的課程,將教學和實驗結合成一門兼具深度內容與趣味的實 驗,結合最流行的 3D 列印與生醫材料製作等實驗,讓學生發揮創意,學習各種 專業繪圖軟體,自己設計 3D 列印的立體圖形,並且利用生醫材料創造有趣的成 品,最終使教學品質更提升。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." American writer Anthony J. D'Angelo once said this wise saying. As a teacher, one of the duties of teaching is to inspire students' enthusiasm for learning. In the first place, students will not need to persecute passively but will seek growth independently. The field of materials science is becoming more and more important. In recent years, various topics have been related to materials, such as energy issues and smart medicine, which require the development of new materials. Especially in response to the recent Covid19 epidemic, many countries have invested a lot of research resources in biomedical materials and testing, which are inseparable from smart medicine. Therefore, the education of biomedical materials, electrochemistry, electronics, and other related subjects is becoming increasingly important. Nevertheless, how to ignite students' enthusiasm for difficult and boring subjects is extremely difficult. I find that students generally find it too difficult and boring to teach according to the existing textbooks, so it is easy to retreat or be perfunctory in class. As for the experimental class, most of the existing experiments are classical experiments, so it is not easy to integrate with modern technology. In order to solve the two problems of 1. poor learning effect and 2. outdated experiment content, this plan has designed a series of courses to combine teaching and 4 experiment into an experiment with both in-depth content and fun, combining the most popular Experiments such as 3D printing and biomedical material production allow students to develop their creativity, learn various professional drawing software, design 3D printed three-dimensional graphics by themselves, and use biomedical materials to create interesting finished products, which ultimately improves the quality of teaching.en_US
dc.subject3D printingen_US
dc.subjectheuristic teachingen_US
dc.subjectexperiment designen_US
dc.subjectelectrochemistry and electronicsen_US
dc.typeResearch Plansen_US
dc.contributor.department國立陽明交通大學生醫工 程研究所zh_TW


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