Title: 排球運動不同訓練方式與接發球反應時間之比較
Comparison between different training methods and reaction time of serve reception in volleyball
Authors: 簡佳慧
Chia-Hui Chein
Fang-Yi Szu
Yi-Jen Huang
Hu-Yu Tseng
Keywords: 排球;反應時間;傳統敏捷訓練;燈光儀器訓練;Volleyball;Reaction time;Conventional agility training;fitLight;Trainer^(TM) traini
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2022
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學體育室
Office of Physical Education National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Abstract: 目的:本研究旨在探討排球運動訓練,運用燈光儀器訓練及傳統敏捷訓練。比較兩種不同訓練方式,針對接發球會運用到的步法(跨步、踮步跨、側併步),比較何種訓練方法對移動時間較有效果。方法:本研究以台灣師範大學女子排球隊16位選手進行研究,將選手分成兩組,每一組8位選手,研究資料採用兩個組別(燈光儀器訓練組及傳統敏捷訓練組)進行3個動作(跨步、踮步跨、側併步)的前、後測來進行各項數據統計分析,將所得資料以敘述性統計之平均數、標準差,呈現研究對象之基本資料與各項實驗紀錄資料,再以單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)兩組實驗分組之間在前、後測的成績,在起步的反應時間是否達到顯著水準。結果:一、在經過6周燈光儀器訓練後,有助於提升跨步、踮步跨以及側併步的秒數,雖然前兩者未達顯著水準,後者有達到顯著水準。二、在經過傳統敏捷訓練後,無助於提升跨步、踮步跨以及側併步的秒數,也未達顯著水準。三、比較燈光儀器訓練(實驗組)及傳統敏捷訓練(對照組),實驗組明顯比對照組來的有效果。結論:不同的訓練介入,可以提升選手在反應時間的表現上,藉由燈光儀器訓練比較傳統敏捷訓練是有效果的訓練方式。
Purpose: The purpose of this study was using fitLight Trainer^(TM) and conventional agility training. Comparing which of the methods would be more effective for moving time in serve reception footwork (stride step, split step, shuffle step). Methods: This study was conducted with 16 players of the women's volleyball team of National Taiwan Normal University. The players were divided into two groups with eight players in each group. The study analyzed data from pre-and post-test of three movements (stride step, splitstep, shuffle step) in two groups (lighting instrument training and conventional agility training). Collected data will be presented in mean and standard deviation in descriptive statistics to show participants' basic data and research records. Then, One-way ANCOVA was used to test if the reaction time in movement initiation between two groups reached a significant level. Results: 1. After 6 weeks of training with fitLight Trainer^(TM), reaction time of shuffle step has reached significant level. Although the stride step and split step have not reached significant level, the mean reaction times have both notably improved.2. Conventional agility training did not improve the reaction time of stride step, split step and shuffle step.3. Comparing the fitLight Trainer^(TM) training group (experiment group) and the conventional agility training group (control group), the experiment group was significantly more effective than the control group. Conclusion: Different training interventions could enhance the reaction time in players. Training with lighting equipment was an effective training method compared to conventional agility training. Comparing the fitLight Trainer^(TM) training group (experiment group) and the conventional agility training group (control group), the experiment group was significantly more effective than the control group.
URI: https://www.airitilibrary.com/Publication/alDetailedMesh?DocID=P20110824004-N202302030008-00005&PublishTypeID=P001
ISSN: 2219-5696
Journal: 交大體育學刊
Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education
Issue: 18
Begin Page: 51
End Page: 61
Appears in Collections:Journal of Chiao Da Physical Education