Title: GOAL11 永續城鄉與社區
GOAL11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
Authors: 國立交通大學大數據研究中心
Big Data Research Center, NCTU
Issue Date: Jan-2021
Publisher: 國立交通大學大數據研究中心
Big Data Research Center, NCTU
Abstract: 結合在地客家歷史古蹟,傳承國際級客家學術與文化使命 眷村聚落與二戰歷史現場再造與活化 響應節能減碳,提供共享單車與校園巡迴巴士服務
Integrating the local Hakka historic sites and inheriting the international Hakka academic and cultural mission Reconstructing and reactivating the military dependents’ villages and historic relics of World War II Providing bike-sharing and campus-tour-bus services for energy saving and carbon reduction
URI: https://sdgs.nycu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/SDG-Report_Ch_final.pdf
Journal: 2020國立交通大學永續發展報告書
2020 Sustainable Development Annual Report
Begin Page: 23
End Page: 24
Appears in Collections:Sustainable Development Annual Report

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