標題: A Battery-Free 217 nW Static Control Power Buck Converter for Wireless RF Energy Harvesting With alpha-Calibrated Dynamic On/Off Time and Adaptive Phase Lead Control
作者: Huang, Tzu-Chi
Hsieh, Chun-Yu
Yang, Yao-Yi
Lee, Yu-Huei
Kang, Yu-Chai
Chen, Ke-Horng
Huang, Chen-Chih
Lin, Ying-Hsi
Lee, Ming-Wei
Institute of Electrical and Control Engineering
關鍵字: Adaptive phase lead (APL);battery-free;buck converter;dynamic on/off time (DOOT);energy harvesting;low power;radio frequency (RF);zero current detection (ZCD)
公開日期: 1-四月-2012
摘要: Abattery-free nano-power buck converter with a proposed dynamic on/off time (DOOT) control can achieve high conversion efficiency over a wide load range. The DOOT control can predict the on/off time at different input voltages without a power consuming zero current detection (ZCD) circuit, as well as suppress static power in idle periods. To adapt to the fluctuations in a harvesting system, the proposed alpha-calibration scheme guarantees accurate ZCD over process, voltage variation, and temperature (PVT) in the DOOT to improve power conversion efficiency. Furthermore, the adaptive phase lead (APL) mechanism can improve inherent propagation delay attributable to low-power and non-ideal comparator, thus improving load regulation by a maximum of 30 mV. The test chip was implemented in 0.25-mu m CMOS process with a die area of 0.39 mm(2). Experimental results showed 95% peak efficiency, low static power of 217 nW and good load regulation of 0.1 mV/mA, which are suitable for RF energy harvesting applications.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/16089
ISSN: 0018-9200
Volume: 47
Issue: 4
結束頁: 852


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