标题: 书评:张容嘉,2022,《客家想像的全球多样化:浮现与蜕变》。高雄:巨流图书公司,1+272。
Review: Chang
The Global Diversification of the Hakka Imaginations: Emergence and Transformation. Kaohsiung City: Chuliu Publishing. 272 pages.
作者: 邓家洋
Jia-yang Deng
关键字: 全球客家想像;客家中原论述;客家族群;Global Hakka Imagination;The Discourse of Central Plains Hakka;Hakka Ethnic
公开日期: 五月-2023
出版社: 国立阳明交通大学客家文化学院
College of Hakka Studies
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 该书试图回应客家族群的如何产生跨越国家疆界,与生活各处的客家人形成联系网络。同时对于未来客家研究方向之探讨提供一种想像的可能性。因此,本书评旨在探究此书中对于全球客家想像浮现之观点,以及客家学术脉络的发展历程。
The book responds to how Hakka Ethnic emerged across national boundaries and formed networks. At the same time
it provides an imaginative possibility for the future direction of Hakka studies. Therefore
the purpose of this review is to explore it's emerging perspectives of the Global Hakka imagination and the development of Hakka intellectual history.
URI: http://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=57&CA_ID=603
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 20
起始页: 225
结束页: 234
显示于类别:Global Hakka Studies


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