Title: 社群媒體上的報復:闡釋背叛感知於資料外洩危機中負面口碑形塑過程中的角色
Retaliation on Social Media: Elucidating the Roles of Perceived Betrayal in Forming Negative Megaphoning in Data Breach Crises
Authors: 鄭怡卉
I-Huei Cheng
Chia-Yin Wang
Keywords: 危機溝通;背叛感知;負面口碑;資料外洩;Civic Online Reasoning;Counterfactual Analysis;Fact-checking before Sharing;False Information;Bridging Social Capital
Issue Date: Jan-2024
Publisher: 國立陽明交通大學傳播與科技學系
Department of Communication & Technology at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Taiwan Academy for Information Society.
Abstract: 本研究希望藉由檢視背叛感知在網路報復形成過程中的核心角色,描繪出在企業危機情境中,社群媒體上負面口碑形成的傳播機制。整合過去既有的理論論點,本研究提出綜合性的概念架構,假設受眾對企業危機回應的防禦性感知將影響其背叛感知,而背叛感知能進一步預測公眾在線上傳散負面口碑的意圖。本研究以企業資料外洩的危機情境為背景進行問卷調查(N=716),資料使用結構方程式的統計方法進行模型檢驗,分析結果顯示危機回應的防禦性感知與既有的組織—公眾關係先產生交互作用,其效果是經由背叛感知的生成才影響線上負面口碑意圖。結果顯示背叛感知為危機資訊的傳播過程中重要的中介變項,尤其背叛感知對社群媒體上負面口碑的效果路徑受到了個人線上情境中自我揭露程度的影響。本文最末將探討對於一般危機情境與獨特的資料外洩危機情境,上述研究結果在理論與實務上所呈現的意涵。
Aiming to explicate the mechanism of how negative megaphoning on social media is induced during a corporate crisis, the current study examines the central role of perceived betrayal in the formation process of online retaliation. Expanded from previous theories, the integrated conceptual model proposes that perceived defensiveness in crisis response will lead to stronger perceptions of betrayal, which further predicts the intention of negative megaphoning online. Based on structural equation modeling analysis, the survey results (N=716) suggest that the effects of perceived defensiveness on negative megaphoning were moderated by previous organization-public relationship and then mediated by the perceptions of betrayal. Perceived betrayal appeared to be a key mediator in crisis communication process with an effect path to negative megaphoning on social media that is intrinsically moderated by personal level of self-disclosure in the online setting. The theoretical and practical implications for crisis communication in general and specifically in the context of data breaches are discussed.
URI: https://ccis.dcat.nycu.edu.tw/web/backissues/backissues_list_in.jsp?lang=tw&pp_id=PP1706707921732&left_code=cp
ISSN: 1680-8428
DOI: 10.29843/JCCIS.202401_(46).0004
Journal: 資訊社會研究
The Journal of Information Society
Issue: 46
Begin Page: 67
End Page: 112
Appears in Collections:資訊社會研究


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