標題: 海洋客家政策與客庄內閩南孤島:以新屋蚵間石滬為例
Maritime Hakka Policy and a Minnan Ethnic Enclave in Hakka Village: Ke-Jian Stone Tidal Weirs in Xinwu
作者: 王保鍵
Pao-chien Wang
關鍵字: 公私協力;海洋客家;新屋石滬;閩南孤島;Public-private Partnership;Marine Hakka;Xinwu Stone Tidal Weirs;Minnan Ethnic Enclave
公開日期: May-2024
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學客家文化學院
College of Hakka Studies
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: 桃園市新屋區客家人口比例高達87.31%,為少見「濱海」的客庄(客語為主要通行語地區);但蚵間石滬的使用者為閩南裔。本文以公私協力及族群集體記憶理論,探索蚵間石滬(新屋區閩南孤島)之保存與發展。本文研究發現:(1)在海岸土地權屬(公部門)、石滬修造技術(民間社團)、文化資產法規交錯下,以公私協力模式,讓蚵間石滬登錄為「公有文化資產」之「文化景觀」。此種公私協力模式的特色為:公私部門合作的必須性、政府在合作的民間部門之選擇限縮性、公部門維持民間團體(閩客社團)間的平衡性。(2)蚵間里為「客家文化重點發展區內閩南孤島」,政府的海洋客家政策積極打造客家集體記憶,恐導引新屋區的閩南孤島成員,轉變為多元族群認同。
Hakka people constitute 87.31% of the total population of Xinwu, making this district a rare “marine Hakka regional language area.” Nevertheless, the users of stone tidal weirs in Ke-Jian village are of Minnan ethnicity. This paper employs the theories of public–private partnerships and ethnic collective memory to explore the preservation and development of Ke-Jian stone tidal weirs. The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) Ke-Jian stone tidal weirs lie at the intersection of coastal land ownership (public sector), construction technology of stone tidal weirs (private associations), and cultural heritage preservation regulations. The public–private partnership model is used to register the Ke-Jian stone tidal weirs as a “cultural landscape” with the nature of “public cultural heritage.” This public–private partnership model reflects the necessity of public–private collaboration, the restrictiveness of the government in choosing the private sector, and the maintenance of the balance between Minnan and Hakka associations. (2) Ke-Jian is recognized as a “Minnan ethnic enclave within a Key Development Area of Hakka Culture.” The government's marine Hakka policy, which builds the collective memory of Hakka people, may bestow a multiethnic identity upon members of the Minnan ethnic enclave in Xinwu district.
URI: https://ghk.hakka.nycu.edu.tw/issueArticle.asp?P_No=59&CA_ID=614
ISSN: 2308-2437
期刊: 全球客家研究
Global Hakka Studies
Issue: 22
起始頁: 101
結束頁: 138
Appears in Collections:Global Hakka Studies

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