標題: 【Spotlights】A Delegation from USUniversities Visits Taiwan toStudy the Latest PhotonicDisplay Technology! NYCUHosts Short-Term Training andLeads Tour of Taiwan’sPhotonics Industry
作者: 國際事務處
Office of International Affairs
公開日期: 29-七月-2024
出版社: 國立陽明交通大學
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
摘要: In addition to semiconductors, Taiwan's outstanding performance in the photonics field has also attracted a delegation from the United States to come and study the latest photonic display technology. The US delegation includes six professors and twelve graduate students in related fields of photonics from Pennsylvania State University and the University of Dayton. They were in Taiwan to participate in a short-term training camp organized by the Department of Photonics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU), learning alongside local faculty and students. The delegation also visited leading domestic companies in display and photonics technologies.
URI: https://www.nycu.edu.tw/nycu/en/app/news/view?module=headnews&id=552&serno=eed4476b-c9f8-48cc-817b-e0003f3c092b
期刊: 陽明交大英文電子報
Issue: 2024-07


  1. 2024 Newsletter_July-06.pdf

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