Title: A high 2LO-RF isolation SiGeBiCMOS sub-harmonic Gilbert mixer using stacked-LO-stage topology
Authors: Wu, Tzung-Han
Meng, Chinchun
Institute of Communications Engineering
Keywords: SiGeBiCMOS;sub-harmonic mixer;Gilbert mixer;se6r-mixing;2LO-to-RF isolation
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: A 5.2 GHz SiGe BiCMOS stacked-LO-stage CMFB (Common Mode Feedback) sub-harmonic mixer is demonstrated in this letter. The stacked-LO-stage and the active loads are used to improve the 2LO-RF isolation and the conversion gain, respectively. The SiGe mixer includes five levels of transistors stacked together at the supply voltage of 3.3 V because of the low knee-voltage characteristic of the SiGe HBTs (Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors). The mixer demonstrated achieves 23 dB conversion gain and -78 dB 2LO-RF isolation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17171
ISBN: 978-1-4244-0548-0
ISSN: 0886-1420
Journal: TENCON 2006 - 2006 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE, VOLS 1-4
Begin Page: 1288
End Page: 1289
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper