Title: E-health inTtaiwan: Law and regulatory perspective
Authors: Chen Duen-Kai
Chen Shih-Hsin
Chen, Ruey-Shun
資訊管理與財務金融系 註:原資管所+財金所
Department of Information Management and Finance
Keywords: E-health;law;regulatory;Taiwan;EPR
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: With the emergence of Internet and advance in computation power, information technology has dramatically changed, in the mean time, promises many benefits to the health care industry. For example, information technology can make accurate information more readily available to physician or health organization, and by this, lower the costs of health care. However, the use of information technology in health care domain also raises several concerns. For example, the related privacy and security concerns. These concerns might turn out to be obstacles in E-health development and implementation. To eliminate these concerns, law and regulatory are required. This paper tends to explore the policy issues and legal or regulatory structures currently serve to assist the development and implementation of E-health in Taiwan's legal regime. The aim of this paper is, to explore the legal and regulatory issues related to E-health development in Taiwan. In addition, this paper recommends possible actions, in law and regulatory perspective, for implementation of E-health.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17843
ISBN: 978-980-6560-31-4
Journal: 3rd International Conference on Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Proceedings
Begin Page: 121
End Page: 125
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper