標題: Efficient deployment algorithms for ensuring coverage and connectivity of wireless sensor networks
作者: Wang, YC
Hu, CC
Tseng, YC
Department of Computer Science
公開日期: 2005
摘要: Sensor deployment is a critical issue since it reflects the cost and detection capability of a wireless sensor network. Although lots of work has addressed this issue, most of them assume that the sensing field is an open space and there is a special relationship between the communication range and sensing range of sensors. In this work, we consider the sensing field as an arbitrary-shaped region possibly with obstacles. Besides, we allow an arbitrary relationship between the communication range and sensing range, thus eliminating the constraints of existing results. Our approach is to partition the sensing field into smaller sub-regions based on the shape of the field, and then to deploy sensors in these sub-regions. Simulation results show that our method requires fewer sensors compared to existing results.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/17880
ISBN: 0-7695-2382-X
期刊: First International Conference on Wireless Internet, Proceedings
起始頁: 114
結束頁: 121