Title: Pricing Capacity-Booking Fees for Semiconductor Fabs with Outsourcing Alternatives
Authors: Wu, Muh-Cherng
Tsai, Cheng-Hang
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Keywords: Capacity booking;demand forecast;information distortion
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: A semiconductor foundry lab is a factory that manufactures integrated circuits (IC) designed by a large number of customers (called IC design houses). We consider a foundry lab that requires the customers to pay a booking fee for reserving an amount of capacity. And the capacity reserved for the customers can be either provided by the lab itself or through outsourcing capacity from other fobs. The outsourcing activity is implemented by subsequently paying booking fee at a fixed rate to the capacity-providers. This paper develops a method to determine the optimum booking price to charge design houses by the foundry lab in order to maximize the profit of the lab. The proposed capacity-booking paradigm and solution method help resolving the information distortion problem in demand forecasting.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/20559
ISBN: 978-3-642-27865-5
ISSN: 1867-5662
Volume: 137
Begin Page: 909
End Page: 916
Appears in Collections:Conferences Paper