標題: IC設計公司的外包產能規劃
Outsourcing Capacity Planning for IC Design House
作者: 許世洲
Shih-Chou Hsu
Ching-En Lee
關鍵字: IC 設計公司;外包產能規劃;線性規劃;層級分析法(AHP);IC Design House;Outsourcing Capacity Planning;Booking Capacity Planning;Linear Programming;Analytic Hierarchy Process
公開日期: 2002
摘要: IC設計公司特殊的生產特性─外包產能,使得傳統的生產規劃無法完全適用。同時,外包產能管理的好壞直接影響著IC設計公司獲利的空間。因此本研究致力於發展一套外包產能規劃(OCP: Outsourcing Capacity Planning)機制,協助IC設計公司進行外包產能的分配決策。 外包產能管理主要有兩個課題─預估產能的需求和產能需求的分配,本研究提出一個OCP的架構來處理這兩個課題。OCP有三個部份,分別為IC產品的淨需求計劃(Net IC Product Demand Planning)、淨產能需求計劃(Net Capacity Demand Planning)和外包產能分配計劃(Booking Capacity Planning)。在IC產品的淨需求計劃部份,藉由線性規劃構建淨需求模式,以求得IC產品在最終測試時的淨需求投入量。接著利用淨產能需求計劃,將產品需求轉化成產能需求;同時,推算各製程的產能需求。 在外包產能分配計劃部份,本研究先利用AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)將外包產能分配所需考慮的因子,合成一個單一的效用指標(Utility Index),並藉由這個指標來代表下游各代工廠的績效,做為分配的決策依據。最後透過本研究提出的啟發式外包產能分配計劃(Heuristic Booking Capacity Planning),來進行外包產能的分配。 從個案探討的結果顯示OCP提供一個較完整的架構,使IC設計公司對於外包產能管理有更為清楚的瞭解,並協助IC設計公司進行外包產能規劃的分析和決策。同時,藉由OCP得到的外包產能分配較案例實務運作的結果佳,也較為接近管理者的決策邏輯。
Outsourcing capacity is one of the key issues for IC Design House. There are two fundamental problems in outsourcing capacity management. They are the estimation of net capacity and the allocation of capacity. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a framework of Outsourcing Capacity Planning (OCP) to solve these two problems for IC Design House. The framework of OCP contains three parts: Net Demand Planning, Net Capacity Demand Planning, and Booking Capacity Planning. Linear Programming (LP) is employed to generate a net demand plan. A transformation process that transforms net demand into net capacity demand is applied to obtain the net capacity demand plan. Finally, we use Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to combine the factors, which IC Design House considers for outsourcing, into a Utility Index (U.I.). We then apply U.I. to develop a heuristic method to deal with the booking capacity planning problem. The result of OCP yields better performance than that of the practice approach normally applied in real-world environment. In addition, OCP provides a decision procedure to assist IC Design House in monitoring the performance of each subcontractor.